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Master's thesis project on phage biology

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The Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI researches and develops special problem solutions at the interfaces of medicine, life sciences and engineering. One of the main tasks here is contract research for biotechnological, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, clinics, diagnostic laboratories as well as research institutions.

At Fraunhofer IZI, the Antimicrobial Biotechnology Unit is looking for a Master’s student to work on a thesis project starting in 2024 or 2025. The group isolates and characterizes bacteriophages from the environment that might later be used for biotechnological or medical purposes. It also develops methods for enhancing phage screening. The Master’s thesis is a part of the efforts to investigate prophages and develop tools to study these genome integrated phages. Your work location for the project will be the Fraunhofer Institute IZI in Leipzig. The duration of the project is flexible and depends on the requirements of your university and your preferred schedule.

What you will do

  • You will use microbiological techniques to culture bacteria, isolate, purify and characterize phages.
  • You will use molecular biology techniques to extract genomic DNA for NGS sequencing.
  • You make use of bioinformatic workflows to analyze sequencing data.

What you bring to the table

  • You have successfully completed your Bachelor's degree (B. Sc.) in the biological sciences (e. g. microbiology, biochemistry, biology, biotechnology) or a related field.
  • During your studies, you have already gained practical knowledge of basic molecular biology techniques (pipetting, preparation of buffers, etc.) as well as microbiology and have experience in carrying out data analysis and data presentation using common computer programs.
  • You are enthusiastic about learning new practical skills, approach unfamiliar topics with curiosity and quickly penetrate them through your analytical approach.
  • Ideally, you are a strong communicator in both German and English.

What you can expect

  • A Master's thesis in a challenging international and interdisciplinary work environment with access to advanced technologies for biological and biochemical analyses, offering you a high degree of creative freedom.
  • Valuable experience and preparation for future research or professional positions, where you will learn a large number of relevant scientific techniques and expand your skills in planning experimental work in an independent manner. 
  • You will be part of a team with two PhD students, two technicians and two other Masters students.  
  • Exciting insights into the work and everyday life of a research institution. 
  • Exchange with other research groups and interactions with industry partners.

We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. 

Interested? Apply online via our career portal now. We look forward to getting to know you!

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about this position:

Dr. Belinda Loh

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI

Requisition Number: 76026                Application Deadline:

Nach Absprache

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