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Intern, Bachelor or Master student (m/f/d) - unsolicited application

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Make yourself grow!

Would you like to gain practical experience during an internship and/or write your thesis in cooperation with a company? We offer internships and cooperations in various fields.

You can expect that from us:

  • The opportunity to gain deep insights into company practice and the agricultural & biotechnology sector
  • Specialization on a technical topic according to your interests with practical relevance and personal support during your time with us
  • You are in close dialogue with your supervisor to develop personally and professionally
  • Early establishment of contacts in the company in order to facilitate the entry into professional practice
  • Pronounced team spirit and respectful cooperation
  • 3 different cooperation models (with and without employment) for writing your thesis

You should bring that with you:

  • Ideally, you have already been able to gain initial practical experience through internships, working student activities or part-time jobs
  • You identify with our corporate values: team spirit, proximity and trust, independence and vision
  • Good to very good academic performance and relevant language skills round off your profile

You are welcome to send us a speculative application with your detailed application (cover letter, CV & relevant certificates). Please also let us know the expected start and duration of the thesis / internship. You can also find advertised internship positions in our Job Portal. By submitting your application, you agree to an internal forwarding to relevant departments.

If you have general questions about internships and theses, please visit our FAQ page.

Nach Absprache

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