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Student Assistant Backend Development of Security/Hacking Tools - C/C++

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Fraunhofer SIT is one of the leading research and development institutes for secure information technology in Germany and Europe. The focus is on applied research and the development of innovative solutions for real security and data protection issues. The Secure Software Engineering research department researches and develops innovative solutions for the automatic identification of malware, vulnerabilities and exploits in software components. As a team, we have already developed and marketed various tools in this area.

Fuzzing is an automated technique for detecting vulnerabilities in software. The software is tested by the fuzzer with a large number of automatically generated inputs and examined for abnormal behavior. Leading fuzzing software recognizes which code areas have already been tested by previous inputs and generates new inputs to cover new code areas through complex analyses.

We are building a modern fuzzing infrastructure using the latest fuzzers and techniques. We need your support!

What you will do

  • You will use existing fuzzers to test popular software on x86, including Firefox, Chrome, and Adobe Reader.
  • You will extend existing fuzzers by implementing the latest techniques from current scientific publications.
  • You will build an exploit database that manages vulnerable software versions and exploits.

What you bring to the table

  • Computer science degree with practical experience in software development (please provide a current transcript of records!)
  • Creativity, self-motivation, and enthusiasm
  • Very good programming skills, good knowledge of C/C++ and relevant toolchains such as compilers and debuggers
  • Knowledge of fuzzing is an advantage, but not essential

What you can expect

  • Insights into the intersection of academic research and industrial application
  • Insights into the topic of fuzzing, a widely used and very successful method that is used on a large scale by large companies such as Google
  • Independent work schedule
  • Constant testing and use of new technologies
  • Collaboration in a dynamic team that develops agile software
  • Student assistant activities often lead to bachelor/master theses or permanent positions

The weekly working time is 10-20 hours. This position is also available on a part-time basis. We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. Remuneration according to the general works agreement for employing assistant staff.

With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial utilization of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for groundbreaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. 

Interested? Apply online now. We look forward to getting to know you!

Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology SIT

Requisition Number: 5003                Application Deadline:

Nach Absprache

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