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Working student Enterprise Architecture Management

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Job-ID: C-I Information, Technology & Services-21932

Working student Enterprise Architecture Management


Students  —  Working Student


This challenge awaits you:

Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) is a comprehensive approach to planning, controlling and monitoring the architecture in an organization. It strives to define and manage different levels of architecture such as business architecture, IT architecture and data architecture to ensure that they are aligned and support the organization's business goals. If you have a passion for understanding complex issues down to the smallest detail and enjoy creating structures that make the seemingly incomprehensible accessible and explainable, then EAM could be for you. Areas such as business architecture, integration, application and IT infrastructure architecture could particularly fascinate you and make you a valuable addition to our team.

Your Tasks:

  • You will support the development and implementation of concepts, processes and solutions in the EAM tool at IAV.
  • You will advise internal customers on all aspects of enterprise architecture.
  • You will analyze requirements in the area of enterprise architecture.
  • You will work in IT service management and IT support.

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in the field of business informatics, computer science, industrial engineering with a technical profile or a comparable field of study 
  • Very good German and good written and spoken English skills 
  • Basic understanding of the concepts, principles and methods of enterprise architecture

Desired Skills:

  • Ability to identify and analyze complex problems and develop solutions to improve enterprise architecture
  • Ability to work in a team and excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work in a team as well as independently and diligently 
  • Basic knowledge of project management to assist in the planning, implementation and monitoring of architecture projects

You won’t just be working anywhere as a student at IAV. You’ll be right in the middle of it all. Real projects. Exciting future tasks. Completely integrated and side-by-side with IAV experts. Lots of responsibility and at the same time lots of freedom, combining university and work. The result is the best prospects for your professional development. And attractive compensation in accordance with our company wage agreements.
Diversity and equal opportunity are important to us. What matters to us is the individual, with his or her character and strengths.

Nach Absprache

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