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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
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IMT 10-2024 Bachelor- / Master Thesis: Miniature scale cooling device using shape memory smart materials

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Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT)

Ihre Aufgaben

In Germany, refrigeration accounts for 14% of electricity consumption. Cooling on a small scale, as it is required, e.g., in electronic chips, lab-on-chip systems, chemical and biological analysis, is often performed by miniaturization-compatible thermoelectric cooling, which is however rather in-efficient.

The search for energy-efficient, ’green’ alternatives has recently lead to increased interest in solid-state cooling based on caloric effects. Among these, the elastocaloric effect in shape memory alloys exhibits particularly high temperature changes and material-level coefficients of performance (COP) exceeding 80% of the thermodynamic maximum. Shape memory alloys belong to the class of smart materials showing heat absorption, heat generation, actuation and sensing. The goal will be to explore the potential of the elastocaloric effect in these materials for small-scale or ’microcooling’ applications, making use of shape memory films. Although this thesis is targeted at miniature scale cooling, it may also be used for larger scales in parallel architectures.

Your Tasks:

  • Characterization of the elastocaloric effect in SMA film materials
  • Modelling (Matlab, Simscape) and design
  • Prototype development: Fabrication, performance tests, characterization

To carry out the work, the IMT has extensive state-of-the-art equipment (600 m² clean room, rapid prototyping processes such as 3D printing and laser cutting, assembly and joining technology laboratories, various metrological laboratories). Intensive support ensures that the work can be carried out within the given time frame.


on appointment

Ihre Qualifikation

  • Field of study: Mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, physics and related programs of study
  • We are looking for ambitious, creative and self-motivated individuals, who like to work in a multidisciplinary and international team.

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