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Intern international marketing (m/f/d)

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Homeoffice: Nach Absprache

  • In your role you support the international marketing and help to build a bridge between the marketing department at our head quarter and the internationals (countries) 
  • You always make sure the latest information in the headquarter does not pass you, as you want to inform the countries about the latest updates. Also, you know who to contact within the HQ in case of specific questions from the countries 
  • As a full team member, you will support your colleagues in the development, planning, implementation, and follow-up of international marketing measures
  • Like a second Sherlock Holmes, you throw yourself into researching information regarding the countries, their offices, their marketingstrategy, their target groups etc. to help align and improve the marketing activities in the countries

  • You are an enrolled student in the fields of marketing or communication
  • Fashion and trends are your life and ideally you have already had a taste of the lifestyle industry
  • In addition to your creative streak, you also have a true entrepreneurial spirit - that's why you would like to get started with the internship straight away
  • Whether Word, Excel or PowerPoint, you can master them all - as a real all-rounder, you also score points with your organizational and communication skills (in English and German)
  • This is a compulsory internship at a college/university

Sicher kennst du uns aus deinem eigenen Kleiderschrank: s.Oliver, comma, QS, LIEBESKIND BERLIN und COPENHAGEN STUDIOS – das alles sind Marken der S.OLIVER GROUP.

Seit über 50 Jahren immer in Mode. Inspiriert vom Unternehmergeist unseres Gründers Bernd Freier gehen wir selbstbewusst in die Zukunft. Wir treffen Entscheidungen schnell und konsequent und gestalten unser Unternehmen sowie die Modebranche aktiv: mit Leidenschaft, Teamgeist, Expertise und Innovationsfreude. Dafür suchen wir neue Talente, die unsere Begeisterung für Mode teilen und den zukünftigen Erfolg der S.OLIVER GROUP mitgestalten möchten. Create! Don't hesitate.


Wir freuen uns über deine vollständige Online-Bewerbung incl. deiner Pflichtpraktikumsbescheinigung. Deine Bewerbung wird innerhalb der S.OLIVER GROUP bearbeitet.

Deine Ansprechpartnerin
Laura Geißler
HR Talent Acquisition
s.Oliver Bernd Freier GmbH & Co. KG

Nach Absprache

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