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Internship / Working Student - Machine Learning Object Recognition and Alienation

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Job-ID: T-TV Vehicle Solutions & Automated Driving-21642

Internship / Working Student - Machine Learning Object Recognition and Alienation


Students  —  Internship; Working Student


This challenge awaits you:

Vehicles in current development without imaging sensor technology are almost impossible to find. Countless driver assistance functions are based on the initial recognition of signs and other road users (cars, bicycles, pedestrians, etc.). Of course, the legal requirements for data protection must also be observed during the development of these functions or when integrating new sensor technology into the vehicle. Pseudonymization and anonymization of personal data are therefore an essential part of the development chain. Software as a service solutions also offer interesting use cases here.

You will work in a dynamic and heterogeneous team consisting of development engineers, specialists and students from different disciplines across various IAV locations. In order to reach our goal as quickly as possible, we would like to attract you, your IT and cloud expertise and your great commitment and open mindset.

Your Tasks:

  • Data engineering (data preparation, labeling, clustering)
  • Training, verification and validation of AI models
  • Setting up and configuring a cloud solution

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in the field of computer science, computer engineering or a comparable course of study
  • Initial experience in the field of cloud engineering 
  • Programming skills in Python
  • Very good written and spoken German and good English skills 

Desired Skills:

  • Enthusiasm for complex issues and their presentation as well as clean preparation
  • Initiative and ability to work in a team

We look forward to receiving your application including cover letter, CV, current performance record and relevant certificates. Remuneration is based on our collective wage and salary agreement. The current hourly rate for this position is EUR 17.52. From February 2025, the hourly rate for this position will be EUR 18.10. The internship is remunerated with a monthly salary of EUR 979.00. From February 2025, the monthly remuneration for an internship will be EUR 1,012.00.

Das spricht für uns:

Als Student:in arbeitest du bei IAV nicht irgendwo, sondern mittendrin. In echten Projekten. An spannenden Zukunftsaufgaben. Voll integriert und im Schulterschluss mit IAV-Expert:innen. Viel Verantwortung und gleichzeitig viel Freiraum, um Uni und Arbeit zusammen zu bringen: So entstehen beste Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entwicklung. Bei attraktiver Vergütung nach unserem Haustarifvertrag.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

Nach Absprache

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