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Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt
Karriereprofil Universitätsklinikum Frankfurt

PhD Student / Division of Infectious Diseases

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(We are targeting applicants of all genders)
Part Time (65%, E13) | limited to 3 years | Announcement number: 658-2024

The Mycobacterial Infection Research Unit (MIRU) within the Division of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital Frankfurt is searching for a motivated PhD student with a biomedical background. 

The MIRU employs a wide range of methodological approaches to improve the management of mycobacterial diseases such as tuberculosis and non-tuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) disease.

The position to be filled is part of the research project NTMscope-REPLAGE that aims to elucidate several aspects of NTM infection, such as antimicrobial resistance and its prediction from whole genome sequencing data, the role of plasmids in NTM-disease, and mycobacteriophages as possible therapeutic agents for NTM infections.

The research project is embedded in a long term collaboration with the Molecular and Experimental Mycobacteriology Group at Research Center Borstel, Leibniz Lung Center. The vacancy is currently limited to three years but long-term funding from BMBF is available.

More information can be found at and .

Your role
  • ·    Implementation/performance of wet-lab procedures (phenotypic drug susceptibility testing, plasmid isolation and transfection, time kill kinetics etc.) 
  • Data-analysis of experimental data (whole genome sequencing, statistical analysis etc.)
  • Active role in international collaborative projects
  • Co-supervisorship of medical students and lab technicians
Who you are
  • ·       Master of Science or equivalent in biomedical sciences, e.g. biology, biotechnology, bioinformatics
  • Experimental experience in bacteriology, preferably mycobacteriology
  • Fluency in English
  • Programming skills (e.g. R, Python) are desirable
  • Experience in the analysis of whole genome sequencing data (WGS), plasmid biology or phage biology is advantageous
  • Due to legal regulations, valid proof of measles immunity / measles vaccination is required.
What we offer
  • Collective agreement: In addition to an attractive salary based on a collective agreement (TV-G-U) with an annual special payment, you benefit from long-term security through company pension schemes
  • Mobility: Free public transport in all Hessen (Free State Ticket Hessen)
  • Campus: Our attractive university hospital campus offers a modern cafeteria, various cafes, and opportunities to rest in numerous green spaces. A walk on the riverside of the Main offers relaxation during breaks
  • Work-Life-Balance: Part-time employment is possible, we offer childcare in our daycare center (if you have any questions, please contact UKF-Familienservice), child care during holidays
  • Health Promotion: Benefit from our attractive health offers. We offer regular online and face-to-face courses on nutrition, relaxation, sports and exercise.
  • Professional development: Internal and external training for your professional development
  • Any questions? Many answers can be found in our FAQs for new employees. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Women are underrepresented in these positions at the University Hospital Frankfurt. Applications from women are therefore particularly welcome. Disabled applicants are preferred if they have the same personal and professional qualifications.

Join our team

Use the time until August 31, 2024 to apply. Please submit your online application including a possible starting date and your salary expectations. For further information regarding the position and project, please contact PD Dr. Nils Wetzstein via mail: wetzstein@med.uni-frankfurt.de or via phone 069-6301-7721.

Nach Absprache

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