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Intern - Business Development / Projects & Reference Data Products (f/m/d)

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Your area of work
The Data Services department is responsible within Deutsche Börse Group for the worldwide distribution and marketing of financial market information. In addition to the real-time prices of its own trading venues (e.g. Xetra, Eurex) and benchmark indices (e.g. DAX, EuroSTOXX50), the department markets information and trading data from international cooperation partners (e.g. BSE India). Based on this information, Data Services develops and calculates real-time analytics, which give market participants an even deeper insight into what is happening on the trading venues. Customers include market data vendors, the media, financial institutions (buy and sell side) and other consumers of financial information. 
The Data Services department is responsible within Deutsche Börse Group for the worldwide distribution and marketing of reference data. Deutsche Börse’s high-quality range of verified master and corporate actions data allows vendors and other information multipliers to meet the market requirements regarding the dissemination of accurate data to other market participants.
As an intern (f/m/d) you will support the team in the Reference Data Services significantly in various ongoing projects and gain valuable experience in a leading global exchange organization. You will get the chance to work together in a team of experienced product and project managers in the fast-moving field of master and corporate actions data as well as historic price data. Another main task of the team is to manage the security service system WSS which is a center piece of deutsche Börse and multiple back-office organizations. 

Your responsibilities:

  • You will participate in the reference data business and strategic initiatives
  • You will support with analyses for strategic positioning and pricing, creation of decision templates and use systems such as WSS to analyse data
  • You will support with implementation of reference data projects and reports
  • Furthermore, you will implement market and competitor analyses
  • In addition to these excited tasks, you will gain Insights in Reference Data Market and business

Your profile:

  • You are enrolled during the entire period of activity at a state-recognized university as a regular student and have completed at least 2 semesters or at least one internship. 
  • Ideally, you have already gained first practical experience in the context of financial markets (e.g., experience abroad, internships) 
  • You are interested in the financial markets and high-end market data systems/ terminals.  
  • Thanks to your structured and independent way of working, you can meet tight deadlines. Your high motivation and analytical skills help you to quickly familiarize yourself with new topics.
  • You have very good knowledge in Excel, MS PowerPoint
  • You are fluent in written and spoken German and English

Start date: 15/07/2024 

Nach Absprache

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