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Thesis - Thermal Mechanical Engineering / Combustion Engines

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Job-ID: T-TD Powertrain Systems-21639

Thesis - Thermal Mechanical Engineering / Combustion Engines


Students  —  Thesis

Gifhorn, Heimsheim, Rostock

This challenge awaits you:

In the Powertrain Mechatronics department, we offer theses (Bachelor's and Master's theses) in the field of thermal mechanical engineering/combustion engines.

Supervision is usually provided by two qualified and experienced members of staff from the department in accordance with the relevant examination regulations. A combination or sequence of internship and thesis is possible. Please indicate your preferred IAV location in your cover letter.

Your Tasks:

  • Spark-ignition and compression-ignition gasoline engine combustion processes
  • Petrol engine mixture formation with complex MPI and DI injection systems
  • Gasoline engine emission and efficiency behavior
  • Variable ignition, valve train and turbocharging systems

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies at a university in the field of mechanical engineering or automotive engineering, specializing in reciprocating engines, turbomachinery, automotive engineering, technical thermodynamics, fluid mechanics or thermal process engineering
  • Very good theoretical knowledge
  • Good practical knowledge (experimental operation, measurement technology, engine control systems)
  • High level of commitment and perceptiveness to acquire new skills

The signing of a non-disclosure agreement between the supervising institute/chair/department and IAV is a prerequisite for the above-mentioned thesis.We look forward to receiving your application including cover letter, CV, current transcript of records and relevant certificates. 

Desired Skills:

  • Your commitment and willingness to learn and perform help you to get to grips with complex issues
  • You apply your new knowledge and skills in a goal-oriented manner

Remuneration is based on our collective wage and salary agreement. The current monthly salary for this position is EUR 979.00. From February 2025, the monthly salary for this position will be EUR 1,012.00.

You won’t just be working anywhere as a student at IAV. You’ll be right in the middle of it all. Real projects. Exciting future tasks. Completely integrated and side-by-side with IAV experts. Lots of responsibility and at the same time lots of freedom, combining university and work. The result is the best prospects for your professional development. And attractive compensation in accordance with our company wage agreements.
Diversity and equal opportunity are important to us. What matters to us is the individual, with his or her character and strengths.

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