Allgemeine Informationen
Framatome ist ein international führender Hersteller in der kerntechnischen Industrie. Dank seiner internationalen Expertise, innovativer digitaler Lösungen und ebenso zuverlässiger wie effizienter Technologien genießt das Unternehmen seit vielen Jahren einen ausgezeichneten Ruf und steht für hohe Qualität und exzellente Leistung. Auf dieser Basis entwickelt, fertigt und installiert Framatome Komponenten und Brennstoffe sowie Leittechniksysteme für Kernkraftwerke und bietet umfassende Serviceleistungen für Reaktoren. Rund 18.000 Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter in aller Welt tragen jeden Tag dazu bei, die Sicherheit und Wirtschaftlichkeit kerntechnischer Anlagen stetig weiter zu verbessern, um sauberen, bezahlbaren und mit geringem Kohlenstoffausstoß erzeugten Strom bereitzustellen. Besuchen Sie uns auf und folgen Sie uns auf Twitter: @Framatome_ und LinkedIn: Framatome.Die Anteile an Framatome halten EDF (80,5 Prozent) und Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (19,5 Prozent).
2024-19382Datum der Veröffentlichung
18.12.2024Beschreibung der Stelle
H - HUMAN RESOURCES - H3 - Personalentwicklung
Internship for German language students
Praktikum & Abschlussarbeit
Framatome GmbH is offering a work placement to German language students. The duration of the placement is relatively flexible in accordance with your university’s requirements and your personal preference – this typically results in 9+ months. The starting date will likely be in September 2025, also with flexibility. This is a paid internship, with a wage of 2000 per month.
Framatome GmbH is currently offering multiple language placements in several different departments including project management, business intelligence, sales strategy, training, and translation. During the recruitment process, we seek to allocate you to the role that best matches your interests and experiences. The placement with Framatome GmbH is based in Erlangen, a university town situated approximately 20 km due north of Nuremberg.
Another advantage of undertaking an internship with Framatome GmbH is the opportunity to make connections with our Framatome UK bases, providing potential for further internships and/or graduate prospects.
Interns will be expected to work in both German and English, performing a variety of tasks depending on your role, which may include:
- Supporting your mentor with their role
- Proof-reading and technical translation
- Project development and management
- Working with different software, including the Microsoft Office Package
- General office activities (clerical and administrative duties)
- Observing, taking part, and notetaking in departmental meetings
There are also opportunities to practice both French and German within the office, so this would be ideal for someone studying a joint honours course.
- Studying a degree course with German as a main component.
- A year abroad must be a compulsory part of the course of study (this should be confirmed in a course handbook or equivalent).
- Native or bilingual level proficiency in English.
- Competency in the German language.
- Computer skills (competent using Microsoft Office Package).
- Previous office experience is not compulsory but would be desirable.
- General interest in the Nuclear Power industry and sustainable energy.
- Administrative requirements: valid passport, GHIC/EHIC card or equivalent, DBS check to be completed following successful application.
Regelmäßige Arbeitszeit
Einsatzort der Stelle
Deutschland, Bayern - Erlangen, Erlangen
Erste Tätigkeitsstätte
Höchster Bildungsabschluss
In Ausbildung / Berufseinstieg
- Deutsch (Gute Kenntnisse)
- Englisch (Fließend)