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Unsolicited application Professionals & Graduates (m/f/d)

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Homeoffice: Nach Absprache

GK is a leading global software developer and provider of standard and cloud-based solutions for the retail industry, with over 500,000 retail and payment installations in more than 60 countries. At GK, more than 1.100 employees worldwide work on solutions for an all-encompassing shopping experience, improving the relationship between customers and retailers every day. GK is a hidden champion headquartered in Schöneck in the Vogtland region of Germany, but has locations in Berlin, Paris and Johannesburg while maintaining a presence in 13 further international locations. Together, GK develops groundbreaking technologies for the retail industry of today and tomorrow.  


Locations: Berlin, Schoeneck (Vogtland), Home Office (Germany), Jena, Sankt Ingbert, Cologne, Hamburg, Chemnitz 

You haven't found a suitable open position? You are welcome to send us an unsolicited application. 

No matter whether... 

  • Direct entry or

  • Lateral entry

...we will gladly check which position matches your qualifications and experience!   

To get to know you better, we are particularly interested in your knowledge and skills and why you would like to work for us. Therefore, the following documents are very valuable for us: 

  • Letter of motivation 

  • curriculum vitae 

  • References 

Become a #retailinnovator! We are looking forward to your application! 

Nach Absprache

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