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Become part of an internationally successful industrial company and benefit from a strong community with around 9,500 colleagues worldwide. As a leading supplier of industrial machine needles, precision parts, fine tools as well as systems and services for the production and joining of textile surfaces, 
Groz-Beckert combines creativity with a passion for textiles. Find your opportunity to join us and be infected by the fascination!

At Groz-Beckert you can get to know the exciting world of work even before you start your training or studies!

If you are interested in technology, you can look over the shoulders of our trainees as they work on assembly, metrology, filing, milling or CNC turning, and of course you can get actively involved yourself. During your time in the training workshop, you will be exposed to a wide variety of machining processes. The internship is therefore designed to be varied in order to provide a broad insight into a possible future as a technical trainee or student at Groz-Beckert. In addition, each intern is allowed to work on his or her own projects and take the results home with them.

In the commercial area, you will get to know the commercial side of the complex value-added process - for example through assignments in the areas of purchasing, logistics, marketing and sales. During your time in the various departments, you will also have the opportunity to get to know the "Next Generation" training company in practice. Here you will experience first-hand what it means to run a company. From ordering and receiving goods to shipping and invoicing, everything has to be done carefully. There is never a dull moment with such a wide range of tasks.

A student internship usually lasts one week. Depending on your area of interest, you will be assigned to different departments where you will be able to try out some of the activities typical of the profession.

We look forward to receiving your complete application documents. Please send them to us via our career portal. If you have any questions, please call 07431-10 3020.

Nach Absprache

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