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Thesis - System Modelling for HV Battery Failures leading to Thermal Propagation

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We offer the following research topic

Thesis - System Modelling for HV Battery Failures leading to Thermal Propagation

Master Thesis

The automotive industry is crucial for reducing emissions and promoting sustainable transportation. Electric vehicles offer a promising solution to environmental challenges and growing transportation needs. Accurate system models reflecting the complexities of thermal runaway are essential for understanding its factors and assessing battery reliability.

This master's thesis aims to develop and validate precise system models for advancing automotive battery technology.


  • Review state-of-the-art system modeling approaches for automotive batteries.
  • Investigate the fundamental processes during thermal runaway and their predictability in comparison with existing tests.
  • Develop mathematical and computational system models for battery thermal runaway behavior under different conditions and different batteries.
  • Compare the developed models using experimental data in a statistical sense.


  • Basic knowledge of any system modelling language and software (e.g. SysML, Modelica, …)
  • Good proficiency in mathematical statistics
  • Experience in applying data science methods is a plus
  • Highly developed quality awareness with strong attention to details
  • High level of self-reliance with the ability to work in a team, as well as autonomously
  • Fluent English language skills are essential, fluent German is beneficial


You are successfully studying in a masters program (FH/UNI) in the field of:

  • Technical or
  • Natural science studies (physics, mathematics or similar...)

The successful completion of the thesis is remunerated with a one-time fee of EUR 3,500.00 before tax.

You don't want to write your final thesis just for the books, then explore the mobility of the future together with us! Maybe you will be a part of it soon!

At AVL, we foster and celebrate diversity: We recognize that diverse ways of thinking are required to achieve our vision of a greener, safer, and better world of mobility. Different backgrounds, attitudes, interests, and experiences make us successful. As Equal Opportunity Employer we consider all qualified applicants without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability status.

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