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Start your career with Baker Hughes - Internship Program Colombia - 2024 Opportunities

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University Internship – 2024 opportunities 

Would you like the opportunity to work in a global energy company? 

Do you enjoy taking on challenging projects? 

Join our innovating Internship Program 

The Baker Hughes Internship is designed to enable undergraduates pursing a Bachelors degree to gain hands-on work experience as the foundation of their professional lives. Our internships will give you first-hand insights into the processes, systems and practices that are aligned to ensure customer needs are met through flawless execution and the application of leading-edge technology. 

Partner with the best 

Our internship will provide you with the opportunity to become familiar with Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E). You'll participate in technically focused training, team meetings and work on projects and present your results. During your internship you will be supported by a buddy and your manager who will ensure that you have a valuable learning experience. 

As an Intern, you will be: 

  • Receiving coaching and mentoring to enable you to complete assignments and projects to develop your learning and skillset 

  • Completing internal projects to deliver customer outcomes and identify business improvements 

  • Learning internal software to assist with the completion of projects and tasks 

  • Collaborating with cross-functional teams and interns to interact and network with global business leaders 

  • Applying Health, Safety and Environment (HS&E) standards and procedures in all situations to ensure compliance is maintained 

Fuel your passion 

To be successful in this role you will: 

  • Be currently enrolled in anyBachelors degree program and have at least 1 year left of school.

  • Have maintained a GPA grade greater than or equal to 3.75 out of 5.0 or the equivalent in your country 

  • Be fluent in oral and written English

  • Have the legal right to work without restrictions or have company sponsorship in the country you have applied  

Work in a way that works for you 

We recognise that everyone is different and that the way in which people want to work and deliver at their best is different for everyone. In this role, we can confidently offer the following flexible working patterns: 

  • Talk to us about your desired working options when you apply 

Working with us 

Working at Baker Hughes means being at the forefront of the energy transition. Our people are diverse, ambitious and collaborative. Were on a mission to redefine the energy sector by unlocking the power of engineering, data and science. 

The Good Stuff 

Our inventions have revolutionised energy for over a century. But to keep going forward tomorrow, we know we have to push the boundaries today. We prioritize rewarding those who embrace challenge with a package that reflects how much we value their input.

Do you like what you read and got what is needed? We want to hear from you! 


  • Location: CO-BOGOTA-CARRERA 7 NO 123-35; CO-Villavicencio-Vereda San Luis de Ocoa. Kilometro 5.7 via Acacias margen izquierda; CO-NEIVA-CALLE 40 # 7P-400 COND. INDUS.
  • Type:
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