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Master Thesis - Optimization of Mobile Robots Path Estimation

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In the Professional Service Robots - Outdoor research group we develop autonomous, mobile robots for a variety of outdoor applications, such as agriculture and forestry. The focus is on the development of an autonomous outdoor navigation solution as well as the hardware of the robots.
For most developments for outdoor applications, localisation is the central component of autonomous navigation. In order to compare different algorithms and perform initial mapping tasks, precise and reliable ground truth localisation is required. By optimising the pose based on all recorded data of the entire route instead of only the previous data at that point in time, the estimation can be significantly improved.
Based on various sensor information (camera, LiDAR, IMU, wheel odometry, GNSS, RADAR) and predefined constraints (e.g. same start and end position, certain zero speed stops), an offline optimisation algorithm will be developed to calculate the robot's path that it will follow.

What you will do

Your work will focus on the development of an optimisation algorithm that incorporates diverse sensor information such as RADAR, LiDAR, wheel odometry, GNSS, IMU or cameras to generate ground truth localisation information. Based on the current state of research, you will evaluate existing approaches and derive a novel concept for calculating precise ground truth data. During your implementation with ROS in C++/Python, you can create different scenarios with our outdoor robot platform CURTmini to evaluate the performance.

What you bring to the table

  • Background in Computer Science, Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics or similar 
  • Profound knowledge of C++/Python 
  • Experience with ROS
  • Experience with data fusion methods 
  • Enthusiasm for mobile robotics
  • Fluent in English or German 

What you can expect

  • Cutting-edge technology in the field of outdoor mobile robotics 
  • Hands on with our robots on our own test fields in Stuttgart
  • Take on responsibility and freedom to implement your own ideas
  • Work with the best students in their discipline 
  • Familiar atmosphere including Cake Friday

We also offer the possibility of direct entry for excellent graduates.

We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. 

With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial utilization of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for groundbreaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. 

If you are interested, please submit a short letter of motivation on your personal favourite topic listed above, CV, current grade transcript to kevin.bregler@ipa.fraunhofer.de

Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation IPA

Requisition Number: 71225                Application Deadline:

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