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Student assistant (m/f/d) in the field of laser technology

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Are you looking for an exciting employment as a student assistant (m/f/d)? Do you have a penchant for laser engineering, particularly in the field of energy, microelectronics, aerospace, mobility, and medical technology? Then become part of our #OneTeam and apply for a position as a student assistant (m/f/d) at the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser technology ILT, a leading center for research and development in laser engineering. Join our institute and build the future of laser technology with us. Implement your ideas to solve current challenges of our time and change the world with us.

What you will do

Your Responsibilities
   During your role as a student assistant, you can work on exciting research projects. Various tasks such as research, experimental investigations, fixture construction, simulations or the assembly and procurement of components will be part of your work.

We offer a position as a student assistant (m/f/d) in numerous highly interesting and current technological fields:

  • Data science and metrology

           o Process sensory and system technology

           o Material analytics
           o Computational Methods

  • Surface technology and shape abrasion

           o Micro- and nano structuring
           o Thin-film processes
           o Polishing

  • Laser medical technology and bio photonics

           o Biofabrication

  • Joining and separating

           o Joining of materials
           o Joining of plastics and transparent materials
           o Cutting

  • Laser deposition welding

           o Additive manufacturing and repair LMD
           o LMD coating and heat treatment

  • Laser Power Bed Fusion

           o LPBF process technology
           o Application development
           o AM polymers

  • Lasers and optical systems

           o Optical design and diode lasers
           o Solid-state lasers
           o Fiber lasers
           o EUV technology

           o Packing
           o Ultra-short pulse lasers
           o NLO and tunable lasers

What you bring to the table

 Your Qualifications

  • You are a registered student (preferably) in physics, mechanical engineering, materials science, materials engineering, industrial engineering, computer science, chemistry or another comparable course of study.
  • You are interested in technical challenges in application-oriented research as well as a demanding and versatile scientific profession
  • You enjoy constructing your own ideas and implement them autonomously
  • Proficient in written German and/ or English
  • Flexibility, team spirit as well as a structured, goal-oriented and independent way of working

What you can expect


  • A modern and innovational workplace that has a well-equipped technical infrastructure
  • Room for creative design
  • The opportunity to gain interesting insight into practical research and the occupational routine of a research institution during your studies
  • Coworking with an inter-disciplinary team in a pleasant working environment
  • Close cooperation with renowned companies from industry and research
  • Flexible working hours and the option of flexible mobile working

The remuneration is based on the general works agreement on the employment of auxiliary staff.

The weekly working hours are 9h and 19h/ per week.

The position is limited to 6 months. Long-term employment is desired.

We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. Remuneration according to the general works agreement for employing assistant staff.

With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial utilization of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for groundbreaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. 

Interested? Apply online now. We look forward to getting to know you!

Any questions about the position will be answered by:

Alexandra Bock 

Lisa Recker




Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT

Requisition Number: 70404                Application Deadline:

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