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Masterand (m/w/d) in der Entwicklung - Development and production integrating Secure Elements

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Masterand (m/w/d) in der Entwicklung - Development and production integrating Secure Elements
Für den Bereich Research and Development der Marquardt-Gruppe an unserem Standort in Rietheim (Germany) suchen wir für das Wintersemester 2024/2025 Sie als Masterand (m/w/d) in der Entwicklung - Development and production integrating Secure Elements.

Was Sie erwartet

Investing the impact to development and production integrating Secure Elements with Marquardt Software in our ECUs

  • Evaluation of Security mechanism of Secure Element for flashing and updating of SW 
  • Analyse the thread and risks during flashing and updating 
  • Assess the thread and risks during flashing and updating
  • Define Security measures to avoid risks during flashing and updating
  • Analyse and document the impact of these measures to the development and production processes

Sie bringen mit

  • Study in electrical engineering 
  • Security and cryptology background 
  • Structured and analytic method 

Ihr Ansprechpartner:
Nadine Heinemann, + 49 (0) 7424 99 1464

Marquardt Gruppe • Schloss-Straße 16 • 78604 Rietheim-Weilheim

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