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Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
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IMT 09-2024 Master Thesis: Modelling and characterization of the magnetic force interaction between aggregates of magnetic particles and modulating magnetic field

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Institut für Mikrostrukturtechnik (IMT)

Ihre Aufgaben

The main goal of the master project will be to model and simulate magnetic, diamagnetic as well as inductive levitation micro-actuators in MatLab using the qualitative approach developed by our group jointly in cooperation between IMT and Hefei University of Technology, China.

Obtained results of the master thesis will be applied for our current project aimed on patterning of magnetic liposomes onto high-density peptide arrays to screen for synthetic ion channels and the developing a 2D array of cooperative hybrid levitation micro-actuators for supporting the levitation of arbitrary shaped micro-objects, performing their linear and angular positioning and transportation.

Link to YouTube video of micro-devices based on inductive levitation developed by our group: Transporter , Hybrid levitation micro-actuator:


as soon as possible

Ihre Qualifikation

  • Field of Study: Mechanical engineering / physics
  • We are looking for an enthusiastic and open mind candidate to join our research group, who has knowledge and interest in micro-systems, electro-mechanics, and levitation micro-actuators
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