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INTERNSHIP - R&D System Engineering - Data Analysis

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Project in Scope: Data Driven Module 3 design

Main Duties:

- He/She will support technical team and project manager in data collection, cleaning and preparation under supervision of team members.- He/She will be responsible to make analysis and data interpretation on requested subsets- He/She will be also in charge of prepare technical reports to update team members, focusing on key insights relevant with assigned tasksAcademic Backroound:- Engineering (Industrial/Automation) with knowledge of Data Analysis toolsor- Information Technology, with focus on AI and Machine Learning tools, with the willingness to explore real industrial problemsRequired Skills:- Ability to work in team as well as autonomously- Ability to prepare technical reporting (Dashboard, Reports)- Ability in Data handling, cleaning and preparation as well as summarize with the help of visual tools (charts, water-falls) to enhance understanding and decision-making
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