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Final thesis - Diagnostics for leakage detection in a hydrogen hydrogen storage system

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Job-ID: T-TD Powertrain Systems-22024

Final thesis - Diagnostics for leakage detection in a hydrogen hydrogen storage system


Students  —  Limited; Internship


This challenge awaits you:

New emission limits and ambitious CO2 legislation are presenting vehicle manufacturers with new challenges. At IAV, we are working to shape a new era of powertrain technology, including the exploration of alternative fuel options - hydrogen is just one example. A hydrogen drive needs a mobile or fixed storage system. Due to the highly explosive nature of hydrogen, even in small quantities, careful monitoring for leaks is essential. Our diagnostic methods are based on a combination of software analytics and carefully selected sensors (temperature and pressure).

Our functional and software development team is looking forward to students* who are willing to expand their knowledge and work with us at the forefront of innovation. Be part of our vision and help us think outside the box!

Your Tasks:

  • You evaluate the deviations determined in relation to possible influencing factors such as zero point shift, hysteresis during measurement, temperature dependence, ageing, etc.
  • You consider and compare the individually determined influencing factors in terms of how they can distort the value to be measured in combination (maximum deviation).
  • You derive a diagnostic concept with regard to the number and arrangement of suitable sensors.
  • You will implement the concept prototypically with the help of MATLAB Simulink.
  • You will evaluate and validate the developed model with regard to the quality of the diagnostic result.

Necessary Skills:

  • Ongoing studies in the field of mechatronics, mechanical engineering, control engineering or similar disciplines
  • Interest in vehicle technology, mechatronics and simulation
  • Good knowledge of MATLAB/Simulink
  • Good written and spoken German and English skills

Desired Skills:

  • Team and communication skills
  • Independent, solution-oriented working methods and a high level of commitment
  • Strong analytical thinking skills
  • High level of personal responsibility
  • Basic knowledge of fluid dynamics

Das spricht für uns:

Als Student:in arbeitest du bei IAV nicht irgendwo, sondern mittendrin. In echten Projekten. An spannenden Zukunftsaufgaben. Voll integriert und im Schulterschluss mit IAV-Expert:innen. Viel Verantwortung und gleichzeitig viel Freiraum, um Uni und Arbeit zusammen zu bringen: So entstehen beste Perspektiven für deine berufliche Entwicklung. Bei attraktiver Vergütung nach unserem Haustarifvertrag.

Uns sind Vielfalt und Chancengleichheit wichtig. Für uns zählt der Mensch mit seiner Persönlichkeit und seinen Stärken.

Nach Absprache

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