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Internship in the field of research on "CFD solar simulation climate channel" from July 2024

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In the Future Digital Engineering team, we are continuously working on the development of future concepts, CAE technologies, components and materials for Mercedes-Benz Cars and Vans technology carriers.

As a very large auxiliary consumer, vehicle air conditioning plays an important role in increasing the efficiency of our vehicles. To evaluate innovations, both tests in the climatic wind tunnel and simulation (CFD/thermal comfort) are used in the development process. Good comparability of the results of both tools is essential for hand-in-hand development. While special ceiling floodlights are currently used in the climatic wind tunnel to simulate the solar load on the vehicle in summer load cases, the simulation currently simulates the "real" sun at its very great distance. This different type of simulation leads to differences in the results. Therefore, for the CFD simulation, the ceiling floodlights of the climatic wind tunnel are to be integrated into the simulation models in order to achieve better comparability between measurement and simulation. CFD calculation models already exist from previous internal investigations, in which the floodlights are integrated in an initial version. Initial measurements and comparisons with the simulations also exist. There are currently still deviations in the accuracy of the simulation. As part of the work, the comparability between measurement and simulation with regard to the solar simulation is to be raised to a higher level. The following tasks are to be undertaken
  • Familiarization with the topic by studying relevant literature, e.g. regarding solar radiation and radiation modeling in the CFD software starccm+
  • Analysis of preliminary investigations and existing simulation models
  • Identification of possible causes that lead to deviations between simulation and actual experiment
  • Developing solutions to minimize the deviations
  • Procurement of material data for the simulation models
  • Implementation of the developed measures in simulation models
  • Carrying out simulations and analyzing the results
  • If necessary, carry out measurements in the climatic wind tunnel to validate the simulation results
  • Comparing the results from the tests with the simulation results
  • If necessary, further development of an existing Java script for floodlight integration in simulation models
  • Final documentation of the work results and outlook on possible further research steps

This work offers a unique opportunity to work at the interface between research and practice and to make a valuable contribution to vehicle development.

  • Degree in the field of engineering
  • Experience in the use of starccm+, ideally also knowledge of JAVA
  • Basic knowledge of Linux and Office tools
  • Good knowledge of thermodynamics and fluid mechanics
  • Willingness to carry out measurements in strong sunlight
  • Enthusiasm and initiative
  • Structured way of working
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Communication skills and sociability

Additional information:

Of course, we can't do without any formalities. Please apply online only and attach a CV, current certificate of enrollment stating the semester of study, current transcript of records, relevant certificates, proof of mandatory internship if applicable and proof of the standard period of study (max. total size of attachments 5 MB) to your application and mark your application documents as "relevant for this application" in the online form.

Further information on the recruitment criteria can be found"here".

If you are a national of a country outside the European Economic Area, please send us your residence/work permit.

We particularly welcome online applications from severely disabled persons and persons with equivalent disabilities. If you have any questions, you can also contact the site's representative for severely disabled employees at SBV-Sindelfingen@mercedes-benz.com, who will be happy to support you in the further application process after your application.

Please understand that we no longer accept paper applications and that there is no entitlement to return postage.

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact HR Services by email at myhrservice@mercedes-benz.com or by phone: 0711/17-99000 (Monday to Friday between 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. and 1 p.m. - 3 p.m.).

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