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Position Jung von Matt seeks Intern E-Sports (d/f/m).
As the ideal Intern E-Sports (d/f/m), you combine a high affinity for the sports sponsorship, marketing and esports industry with organisational and communication skills as well as the ability to meticulously and conscientiously support projects.
You are passionate about consulting and developing creative activation concepts for sponsors in esports. Thanks to your excellent research skills and your experience in creating structured and visually appealing documents and presentations, you are able to process complex issues graphically and textually and communicate them to colleagues and clients.
You enjoy taking responsibility for individual project components and always try to proactively contribute your own ideas and content.
You also have a hands-on mentality and a willingness to learn continuously in an exciting and dynamic field of development. Initial experience in an agency, in sponsoring or marketing of an internationally operating company or a company in the E-Sports industry is a plus.
Keeping up to date with current developments in E-Sports and gaming and being able to identify with the industries are also a matter of course for you.
We look forward to receiving your application!

Nach Absprache

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