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Thesis - Investigation of an all-wheel steering system for a battery truck by simulation

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Thesis - Investigation of an all-wheel steering system for a battery truck by simulation

Master Thesis

Company Rosenbauer developed a new battery driven fire truck, whereby the vehicle consists of independent suspensions for all four wheels. The vehicle is equipped with a conventional front wheel steering system. Currently, the rear axle can be steered during reversing maneuvers. However, this rear axle steering system indicates potential also to improve the vehicle dynamic behavior (handling). The investigation is based on a multi-body simulation and is divided into three parts.


Part 1:

  • Model to be set up with accurate parameters (masses, moments of inertia, tire parameters, etc.) 
  • Definition and investigation of several driving maneuvers with front-wheel steering system. 
  • Driver model already exists, however fine tuning of parameters necessary for specific maneuvers.

Part 2:

  • Company Rosenbauer measures vehicle with conventional steering system in the field (e.g.: St. Valentin)
  • Measurement results to be postprocessed and analyzed (software programs already available)
  • Fine tuning of MBS model parameters, especially tire and damper parameters, to meet measurement results

Part 3: 

  • Extension of existing model by all-wheel steering system at rear axle
  • Parameter variations (e.g., ratio between rear and front steering angle)
    • to identify potential of an all-wheel steering system and to optimize 
    • the dynamic behavior (handling) of the vehicle. Maybe additional control
    • parameters to be introduced (e.g., adaptive damping control)


  • Ongoing study in the field of mechanical engineering
  • Excellence in mechanics and mathematics
  • Basic skills in multibody systems (preferably Adams)
  • Capability to work independently


  • You can write your thesis independently and receive professional guidance and support from our experienced employees.            
  • You will have the opportunity to exchange ideas with experts in the company and benefit from their expertise.            
  • Take the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of AVL and embed your theoretical knowledge in a practical environment.            

The successful completion of the thesis is remunerated with a one-time fee of EUR 3,500.00 before tax.

You don't want to write your final thesis just for the books, then explore the mobility of the future together with us! Maybe you will be a part of it soon!

At AVL, we foster and celebrate diversity: We recognize that diverse ways of thinking are required to achieve our vision of a greener, safer, and better world of mobility. Different backgrounds, attitudes, interests, and experiences make us successful. As Equal Opportunity Employer we consider all qualified applicants without regard to ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability status.

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