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Bachelor Thesis - Development of a Live Display for Data Streams

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Job-ID: T-TT Software System & Connectivity-22124

Bachelor Thesis - Development of a Live Display for Data Streams


Students  —  Working Student

Gifhorn, Berlin

This challenge awaits you:

Through partially highly automated automobiles, more and more vehicle and environmental data are being collected, analyzed, and utilized. Based on IAV's extensive knowledge of the overall vehicle and vehicle networking, we can detect abnormalities and misbehavior in these data. We provide our customers with services that reduce development cycles through automated analysis of large amounts of data, thus offering end customers added value in the use of vehicles.

To make the complexity of our system more tangible for interested parties, we want to develop a live display that graphically visualizes the current data upload worldwide in an appealing way. Real backend data should be used for this purpose to process and visualize real data. This should be presented in an informative and easily understandable way on a constantly updating abstract animation.

Your Tasks:

  • You research state-of-the-art frameworks for the continuous representation and animation of 3D data
  • You develop a concept: How can complex information be prepared and presented as understandable as possible
  • You familiarize yourself with the IAV tool landscape and develop a suitable design for the visualization of data flows
  • You create or select suitable 3D assets
  • You program the interface to be displayed, including animations, display options etc based on modern web frameworks
  • You link backend information via widely provided interfaces with the visualization

Necessary Skills:

  • Studying in the field of computer science, media informatics or similar
  • Good knowledge of tools/frameworks such as React, Angular, etc.
  • Very good knowledge in UI/UX Design (Figma, Adobe XD or similar)
  • Excellent understanding of modern, clean design languages

Desired Skills:

  • Practical experience with databases
  • High degree of initiative and creativity as well as the ability to look beyond one's own horizons

Remuneration is based on our collective wage and salary agreement. The current monthly salary for this position is EUR 979.00. From February 2025, the monthly salary for this position will be EUR 1,012.00.

You won’t just be working anywhere as a student at IAV. You’ll be right in the middle of it all. Real projects. Exciting future tasks. Completely integrated and side-by-side with IAV experts. Lots of responsibility and at the same time lots of freedom, combining university and work. The result is the best prospects for your professional development. And attractive compensation in accordance with our company wage agreements.
Diversity and equal opportunity are important to us. What matters to us is the individual, with his or her character and strengths.

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