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Bachelor thesis in the field of printed electronics

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In cooperation with the Chair of Laser Technology LLT at RWTH Aachen University, the Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT is Europe's leading center for basic and contract research in the field of laser technology. 

Integrated sensors are gaining in importance as digitalization progresses and the monitoring of components increases. For example, strain gauges can be used to measure the elongation of components and thus measure mechanical stresses and at the same time detect structural damage at an early stage. The application of strain gages using digital printing processes has the potential to replace time-consuming and error-prone manual application.
By using laser radiation to sinter nanoparticulate inks, different degrees of sintering and thus conductivity can be set in the layers. This results in effects on the characteristic values of the additively manufactured strain gages.

What you will do

  • You record the current state of the technology
  • You plan and carry out experiments to investigate the relationship between laser processing parameters and the characteristics of printed electronics
  • You prepare, document and discuss the results

What you bring to the table

  • You are studying mechanical engineering, materials science, electrical engineering or a comparable degree program
  • You are interested in new experiences in application-oriented research
  • You are characterized by an independent, organized and structured way of working
  • Initial experience with lasers or tensile tests and any practical laboratory experience are advantageous, but not essential

What you can expect

  • A professional and dynamic working atmosphere awaits you
  • You have access to excellent machinery and equipment
  • You have the freedom to develop your own ideas and realize projects in your field of study
  • Flexible working hours allow you to combine your studies and professional practice in the best possible way
  • Very good travel options, whether by bus or car
  • Exciting seminars, events and team-building measures provide variety and further training

This position is limited in time until the end of your work.

We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. 

With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial utilization of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for groundbreaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. 

Interested? Apply online now. We look forward to getting to know you!

If you have any questions, please contact:

Adam El-Sarout, M.Sc.
Tel +49 241 8906-363

Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT

Requisition Number: 74757                Application Deadline: 08/31/2024

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