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Internship: Evaluation and analysis of human movement data*

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Winter semester 2024/25 - limited to 3-6 months

The aim of the internship is to generate statistically reliable values using an existing database (consisting of video and distance data). The aim is to create a basis for innovative solutions in the field of functional safety.


  • You will research current approaches to characterising and classifying human poses, for example using AI algorithms
  • You will conduct research on current approaches for the characterisation and classification of interactions between humans and autonomous mobile robots (AMR) in an industrial environment 
  • You will implement the identified approaches in Python and carry out statistical analyses with existing data 
  • If necessary, you will expand the research question according to your technical orientation or experience 


  • You are studying computer science, data science, mathematics, engineering or a comparable degree programme
  • You have knowledge of statistical methods and machine learning as well as the use of these methods in Python 
  • Ideally, you have some experience in analysing data
  • Strong teamwork and communication skills
  • Interest in developing innovative solutions
  • Your independent work and creative thinking round off your profile


  • We are looking forward to your online application
  • Sarah Disch
  • Job-ID 35792 
  • All applications will be treated confidentially

*At SICK, we see people, not gender. 

We put great emphasis on diversity, reject discrimination and do not think in categories such as gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, age or sexual identity.

Stichworte: Student, Studentin, Studierende, Masterstudent, Bachelorstudent, Masterand, Bachelorand, Masterstudentin, Bachelorstudentin, Masterandin, Bachelorandin, Master, Bachelor, studienbegleitend, Studi, Studium, Bachelorstudierende, Masterstudierende, Praktikant, Praktikantin, Pflichtpraktikant, Pflichtpraktikantin, Praktika, Praktikum, Pflichtpraktikum, Internship, Intern, Praxissemester, Pflicht, Prakti, freiwillig, Praxis, Semesterpraktikum, Thesis, Masterarbeit, Bachelorarbeit 

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