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Homeoffice: Nach Absprache

Research Topics

  • Software implementation in laboratory environment 
  • Support market/literature research
  • Support project / innovation management

Entry Opportunities

We are looking for new student colleagues for our research department in Karlsruhe. This is often a starting point for the subsequent bachelor and master thesis and of course for direct entry.


As a medium-sized IT and software company, we take on all challenges of business integration. In our Research & Innovation Center in Karlsruhe, we align new technologies with current and future requirements of our customers to secure and accelerate their business processes. The corporate culture of SEEBURGER is very important and is described by our employees as open, familiar and helpful. Whether it is through a wide range of additional social and monetary benefits, corresponding needs-oriented training, various offers for health care and generous home office arrangements to numerous employee events: Even away from work, the community is close to our hearts!

Contact Recruiting:

Daniel Iwtschenko

+49 7252 96-2224

LinkedIn - XING

Nach Absprache

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