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Studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d) - Multi-Trigger Resist Model Optimization

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At the Erlangen site, the more than 400 employees of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB conduct application-oriented research and development on innovative topics in semiconductor technology and power electronics.

The »Lithography and Optics« working group focuses on the development and application of physical-chemical models, numerical algorithms and software for simulating lithographic processes. 

You are a student looking for an exciting job as a research assistant and want to experience research up close? Fraunhofer IISB offers you exactly that! 

What you will do

  • Enhance the performance of the existing resist model through multi-threading of the main reaction steps
  • Convert existing Python code to C++ code to improve the execution speed and efficiency
  • Identify, troubleshoot, and resolve issues within the code to ensure accuracy and reliability
  • Maintain comprehensive documentation of the code modifications and optimization processes
  • Work closely with the research team to integrate optimized code into larger simulation frameworks

What you bring to the table

  • Enrolled in a Master’s program in computer science, electrical engineering, physics, computer science, mathematics, mechanical engineering or related fields
  • Proficiency in Python and C++ with an emphasis on object-oriented programming (OOP) is essential
  • Understanding of lithography, materials simulation and polymer physics is highly desirable
  • You work independently and have strong analytical and problem-solving skills to debug complex code
  • Good command of written and spoken English

What you can expect

  • Insight into exciting research projects
  • Cutting-edge research thanks to top technical equipment
  • Practical relevance through interesting and varied project work in innovative and dynamic teams
  • An international working environment
  • Personal development opportunities 
  • Good career prospects as a springboard into various career directions (universities, industry, other research institutions, etc.)
  • Flexibility in the organization of working hours and thus optimal compatibility of studies and practice
  • Proximity to campus

The position is initially limited to one year.

Your weekly working hours will be agreed by arrangement. You can set your working days flexibly. We value and promote the diversity of our employees' skills and therefore welcome all applications - regardless of age, gender, nationality, ethnic and social origin, religion, ideology, disability, sexual orientation and identity. Severely disabled persons are given preference in the event of equal suitability. Remuneration according to the general works agreement for employing assistant staff.

With its focus on developing key technologies that are vital for the future and enabling the commercial utilization of this work by business and industry, Fraunhofer plays a central role in the innovation process. As a pioneer and catalyst for groundbreaking developments and scientific excellence, Fraunhofer helps shape society now and in the future. 

Interested? Apply online now. We look forward to getting to know you!

If you have any questions about this position, please contact:
Dr. Christian Schwemmer 
Telefon +49 9131 761-636

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact
Nadja Ingarsia
Telefon +49 9131 761-251

Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Systems and Device Technology IISB

Requisition Number: 75343                

Nach Absprache

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