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Working Student (f/m/d) Mixed Signal Design

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Working Student in Mixed Signal IP Design

In the area of new product development for Micro Controller and Micro Processors for Automotive and Edge Processing products, we seek to strengthen our operations team with working students in for mixed signal design flow compliance check automation.

Our engineers are part of an international team combining analog and digital IC design expertise. They are responsible for developing complex mixed signal IP (MSIP), transforming product requirements from the system and marketing teams into function and architectures, implementing them into analog and digital circuits and checking with the test and validation teams that the product meets the requirements.

Your profile:

  • Studies in electrical engineering, computer science, economic science or a comparable degree program

  • Experience in software development with focus on script languages and database management is required

  • MS Power BI experience will be a plus

  • Background in MSIP design or chip design will be a plus

  • Fluent English and the ability to work within international teams are required.

More information about NXP in Germany...


  • Location: Munich (Schatzbogen)
  • Type: Part time
Nach Absprache

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