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The Data Science Centre aims to facilitate research advances in data science, offers internal and external services, tools and resources, develops common representations (data, conventions, workflows) and contributes to training and career development. The Data Science Centre collaborates with all EMBL sites to progress internal and external training, integrated data management, scientific workflow sharing, AI, provision of public data services, and technical infrastructure.

One of our missions is to provide high-quality, publicly available materials. We are currently expanding our training offers with the aims of covering more topics in the area of biostatistics and scientific coding, and making existing materials applicable for self-learning and reusable by other trainers (FAIR materials).

With this call, EMBL is seeking an intern at the Data Science Centre. You will be preferentially based in Heidelberg, but other options can be discussed, and collaborate with members from EMBL’s Analysis Centres and the Bio-IT support community, as well as the Data Management Coordination.

Your role

As part of our team, you can contribute to the following specific areas:

  • Augment and FAIRify existing biostatistics training materials: This includes both creative tasks like writing text, and creating videos and illustrations, and technical tasks such as producing code and figures in R, compiling interactive online tutorials, and maintaining git repositories.
  • Develop new training materials: For this task you will collaborate with the respective experts at EMBL. This task is suitable for you, if you have a strong background in computational biology. We are open to your topic proposals.
  • Training: If you are interested in expanding your teaching experience (e.g. within internal courses or small informal sessions), you can use a diverse set of existing materials, or join courses as a helper. If you develop materials during this internship, there are opportunities to teach those, too.
  • Project management: You’ll have the opportunity to take part in training preparation, administration and communication with the course participants, both with regard to internal training, and through the EU-funded training project BioNT.

The tasks can be adapted to your skills and learning objectives.

For your application, please describe your background and the tasks you are most interested in. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis and we reserve the right to close the applications once a candidate is identified.

You have


  • Solid understanding of undergraduate maths
  • Good writing and communication skills
  • Motivation and ability to work independently
  • A background in molecular biology
  • Basic knowledge of (R) programming is an advantage

EMBL is Europe’s flagship research laboratory for the life sciences – an intergovernmental organisation with more than 110 independent research groups and teams performing scientific research in disciplines including molecular biology, physics, chemistry and computer science. We are an international, innovative and interdisciplinary laboratory with approx. 2,000 employees from many nations, operating across six sites, in Heidelberg (headquarters), Barcelona, Hinxton, Hamburg, Grenoble and Rome. Our mission is to perform basic research in molecular biology; train scientists, students and visitors at all levels; offer vital services to scientists in the public and private sectors within the member states; develop new instruments and methods; and engage actively in technology transfer.

EMBL is an inclusive, equal-opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation with a very collegial and family-friendly working environment.

Please apply via https://www.embl.org/jobs/, supplying a cover letter and Curriculum Vitae.

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