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Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit
Karriereprofil Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit

Intern (m/f/d) in Urban Climate Infrastructure at the City Climate Finance Gap Fund

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Objective of the City Climate Finance Gap Fund (Gap Fund), a multi-donor trust fund at the European Investment Bank (EIB), is to support cities worldwide to prepare concrete infrastructure investments that contribute to adaptation and/or mitigation of climate change. Sectors of these infrastructure projects include transport, energy, water, nature-based solutions and waste management. Local capacities, experience and funds are often lacking to guide these projects through the high-risk pre-feasibility phase. The GIZ programme Support for Project Preparation for Urban Progress (SuPPUrbP) supports the management of the Gap Fund operations and provides technical assistance (TA) to municipalities and/or other project developers during the pre-feasibility stage of infrastructure investments. The TA activities are implemented request based in low and middle-income countries in Africa, Latin America, European Neighbourhood Countries, Asia and the Pacific. You find more information on the Gap Fund and its current activities at www.citygapfund.org. The dynamic multi-disciplinary and international GIZ team works closely with relevant EIB-colleagues and is based in Germany as well as Luxembourg.

Your task will be the support of the project team in their daily work, in particular:

  • Supporting the preparation of background information such as internal and external research in urban infrastructure sectors, such as energy, transport, nature-based solutions, water and waste management
  • Supporting knowledge and document management, especially with regard to the collection, structuring and preparation of technical advisory to specific cities in low and middle-income countries
  • Supporting organization and preparation of professional exchanges as well as (virtual) events, provide technical support, taking notes etc.
  • Contributing to monitoring, reporting, learning and communication
  • Supporting in further administrative and organizational tasks

You have to be currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or recently graduated (within last six months) in urban development, economics, engineering or equivalent. We are looking for the following skills and experiences to be met under this position:

  • Knowledge and/or prior work experience/internships in city administrations and/or with municipal service providers
  • Basic understanding of the preparation of investment projects and/or urban development processes
  • Basic understanding of the international climate change debate and the climate action reporting schemes
  • Basic understanding of technical assistance (advisory) of national or subnational stakeholders in developing countries and emerging economies
  • Strong interest in conceptual work in a team and ability to work independently work
  • Working proficiency in English; proficiency in French, Spanish, Portuguese or Russian is an asset
  • Enthusiasm to work in a multi-disciplinary and intercultural team
  • A high ability to efficiently structure information and processes

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