Laupheim: Schülerpraktika (BOGY, BORS, OIB)
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Rentschler Biopharma is a leading global contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) for biopharmaceuticals. From our headquarters in Laupheim, Germany, and our site in Milford, MA, USA, we offer end-to-end solutions, including bioprocess development and manufacturing, as well as related consulting activities such as project management and regulatory support. In Stevenage, UK, we have launched Rentschler ATMP Ltd. dedicated to cell and gene therapies.
We are a family-owned company with approximately 1100 employees from 25 nationalities. What unites us at Rentschler Biopharma, is the passion for what we do. We empower our clients to help patients with serious or rare diseases. With our dedication and expertise, we convert medical research into outstanding biopharmaceuticals. Thus, we provide an important contribution to the global availability of essential therapies. Going forward, we are expanding our team to ensure our long-term sustainable growth. Join us and be part of a unique journey, shaping the future of biopharmaceutical manufacturing together!
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Du interessierst dich für ein einwöchiges Pflichtpraktikum deiner Schule?
Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!
Wir bieten Schülerpraktika für folgende Ausbildungsberufe an:
- Fachkraft für Lagerlogistik (m/w/d)
- Industriekaufmann (m/w/d)
- Duales Studium (Wirtschaftsinformatik, International Business, Data Science und künstliche Intelligenz)
- Chemielaborant (m/w/d)
- Pharmakant (m/w/d)
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Bitte gib im Anschreiben direkt deinen Interessensbereich an, damit wir deine Bewerbung inkl. letztes Schulzeugnis prüfen können.
- Location: Laupheim, Germany
- Type: Full time