zur Suche

Schülerpraktikant (m/w/d) Elektroniker

  88131 Lindau (Bodensee)
Jetzt bewerben


Beginn: 01.09.2024

There are many good reasons for a taster internship: gaining experience, making contacts, trying out your own skills. If you know your preferences and strengths, you can realize your ideas in a more targeted way when looking for a training or study place.

Your expectation

  • In which profession would you like to do an internship?
  • Which school are you currently attending?
  • Which class are you in this school year?
  • For what period are you applying? Are there any alternatives if there is no internship available at the desired time?

Our expectation

  • Enthusiasm and enjoyment of learning
  • Willingness to actively participate
  • Interest in the chosen profession and the company
  • Friendly and correct demeanor

Our offer

Taster internships for school pupils (m/f/d) in the following training occupations:

  • Electronics technician (m/f/d) for devices and systems

  • Industrial electrician (m/f/d) specializing in devices and systems

Have we awoken your interest? Then we look forward to receiving your online application. If you have any questions, please contact Elena Heine.

One Passion. Many Opportunities.

The company

Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH is part of the international Liebherr Group. At two sites, Lindau and Biberach (airfield), the company develops and manufactures high-quality components and systems for the Group as well as for external customers. The fields in which the company is active include electric drive systems, electronics and control technology. In addition, Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH offers its customers an extensive range of services – from development and production to qualification. About a quarter of the approximately 1000 employees work in research and development.


Liebherr-Electronics and Drives GmbH

Peter-Dornier-Straße 11


Germany (DE)


Elena Heine

+49 8382 2730-4635


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