
Schluss mit Theorie, jetzt wird geübt! Hier kannst du dein Wissen zum Past Progressive unter Beweis stellen. Sollten dir beim Past Progressive noch Fragezeichen im Kopf herumschwirren, schaust du dir besser zuerst unser Video  zu den Grundlagen an.

Quiz zum Thema Past Progressive
5 Fragen beantworten

Past Progressive Übungen – Bejahte Sätze

Anleitung: Um diese Übungen zu meistern, musst du die Lücken in jedem Satz mit der richtigen Verbform füllen. Bilde dafür von jedem Verb, das in Klammern angegeben ist, die Past Progressive-Form. Ob du mit deinen Antworten richtig liegst, kannst du ganz leicht überprüfen: Klicke einfach auf das Lösungsfeld mit dem Auge.

  1. The cat was sleeping (to sleep) in her basket. 
  2. Ness was talking (to talk) to her aunt on the phone. 
  3. Moira and Lucas were planting (to plant) new flowers in the garden. 
  4. We were playing (to play) volleyball all day yesterday. 
  5. I was painting (to paint) the kitchen.

Past Progressive Übungen – Verneinte Sätze 

  1. That′s not true, I was not crying (not, to cry) at all!
  2. Ben was not helping (not, to help) his mother with the washing. 
  3. I promise, we were not watching (not, to watch) TV.  
  4. Toby and Claire were not talking (not, to talk) to each other because of their fight.
  5. Clara was not doing (not, to do) her homework. 

Past Progressive Übungen – Besondere Verben 

  1. I was taking (to take) a bath.
  2. Toby was sitting(to sit) on the sofa.
  3. Linda and Carla were baking (to bake) a birthday cake for Jimmy.
  4. I was not lying (not, to lie)!
  5. We were running (to run) as fast as we could. 

Past Progressive Übungen – Signalwörter

  1. Welches ist ein Signalwort für das Past Progressive?
    • in 2019
    • tomorrow
    • while
      → Lösung: while
  2. Welches ist kein Signalwort für das Past Progressive?
    • as long as
    • last week 
    • during
      → Lösung: last week

Past Progressive – Übungen für Profis 

  1. What wereyou doing(to do) last night? – I was working (to work) on my school project. 
  2. As long as he was paying (not, to pay) rent, Bob could live in Sarah and Tom′s shared flat.
  3. I was not drinking (not, to drink) tea. I was having (to have) a coffee for breakfast. 
  4. The sun was shining (to shine) and the birds were singing (to sing) when I got up this morning.
  5. My dad was reading (to read) the newspaper while my mother was listening (to listen) to the radio.
Quiz zum Thema Past Progressive
5 Fragen beantworten

Simple Past vs. Past Progressive  – Übungen

  1. I was walking (to walk) down the street when I ran (to run) into Bob and Susan.
  2. That night, my family and I thought (to think) our dog was dying (to die) because he was so sick.
  3. When the parents came (to come) home from their trip, their children were having (to have) a pool party. 
  4. Lucy was cooking (to cook) dinner when her sister called (to call)
  5. Paul and Sarah got(to get) married while I was travelling (to travel) through India last year.

Super, das Past Progressive beherrschst du jetzt. Ganz wichtig ist aber auch das Past Perfect Progressive. Schau dir dazu einfach unser Video an!

Zum Video: Past Perfect Progressive
Zum Video: Past Perfect Progressive

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