
Jetzt wird es praktisch! Mit unseren Übungen kannst du dein Wissen zum Present Progressive gleich testen. Wenn du dich beim Present Progressive noch nicht fit fühlst, dann schau dir zuerst noch unser Video dazu an!


Present Progressive Übungen – Bejahte Sätze

Anleitung: Jeder Übungssatz hat eine große Lücke. Schaffst du es, jede Lücke mit der richtigen Verbform zu füllen? Dazu musst du die angegebenen Verben in das Present Progressive setzen. Wenn du auf das Lösungsfeld mit dem Auge klickst, kannst du deine Angaben ganz leicht überprüfen. 

  1. I can′t answer the phone right now. I am playing (to play) a game with my friends. 
  2. Tina is reading (to read) a book, while Joey is watching (to watch) TV. 
  3. That′s not the way to the park! We are walking (to walk) in the wrong direction! 
  4. Look! The cat is climbing (to climb) a tree.
  5. You aresleeping (to sleep) at your grandparent′s house tonight, right? 

Present Progressive Übungen – Verneinte Sätze 

  1. Oh no! My computer is not/isn′t working (not, to work)
  2. You are not/aren′t listening (not, to listen)
  3. No way, we are not/aren′t buying (not, to buy) a horse!
  4. I am not going (not, to go) to the party. 
  5. It is not/isn′t snowing (not, to snow). That′s just rain. 

Present Progressive Übungen – besondere Verben

  1. Elsa is sitting (to sit) on her bed.
  2. Tom and Linda are writing (to write) a letter to their grandmother. 
  3. We are running (to run) to catch the bus. 
  4. This summer, I am travelling (to travel) to Africa with my parents. 
  5. My mum is baking (to bake) a birthday cake for my sister. 

Present Progressive Übungen – Fragen

  1. What are you trying (to try) to say? 
  2. Are they meeting (to meet) us at the restaurant?  
  3. Is Nora not coming (not, to come) with us to the shopping centre? 
  4. Why is he not speaking (not, to speak) to you anymore?
    Are you two fighting (to fight)
  5. Am I saying it correctly? (to say) 

Present Progressive Übungen – Signalwörter

  1. Welches ist ein Signalwort für das Present Progressive?
    • yesterday
    • right now
    • never
      → Lösung: right now

  2. Welches ist ein Signalwort für das Present Progressive?
    • sometimes
    • last year
    • at the moment
      → Lösung: at the moment

  3. Welches ist kein Signalwort für das Present Progressive?
    • usually
    • tonight
    • today
      → Lösung: usually

Present Progressive – Übungen für Profis

  1. I   am seeing (to see) my doctor tomorrow. My fever is not/isn′t getting (not, to get) better.
  2. What are you doing (to do)? – I am calling (to call) my grandma. 
  3. Sam is not/isn′t studying (not, to study), he is playing (to play) on his computer!
  4. Why is the train not moving (not, to move)
  5. I’m so excited! We are planning (to plan) our trip to Disney World tonight!

Simple Present vs. Present Progressive – Übungen

Anleitung: Wenn du dich beim Present Progressive sicher fühlst, dann probiere dich auch an diesen Aufgaben. Weißt du, wann das Simple Present und wann das Present Progressive richtig ist?

  1. Usually Nora goes (to go) to the supermarket. But today, her husband is doing (to do) it.  
  2. I am making (to make) pancakes right now. Do you want (to want) to help me?
  3. What is (to be) their plan for the weekend? – They are thinking (to think) about going to the water park.
  4. Steve is lying (to lie) all the time! I do not/don′t believe (not, to believe) a word he says. 
  5. Every time I come (to come) over here, you two are having (to have) a fight. 

Du möchtest alle Unterschiede von Simple Present und Present Progressive auf einen Blick? Dann schau dir gleich dieses Video an!

Zum Video: Simple Present-Present Progressive
Zum Video: Simple Present-Present Progressive

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