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Hier findest du ein Beispiel für eine komplette Charakterisierung auf Englisch (=characterization example). Wie genau du eine Charakterisierung selber schreibst, erfährst du im Video!

Quiz zum Thema Charakterisierung Englisch
5 Fragen beantworten

Writing a characterization — example (Beispieltext)

Bei einer characterization in Englisch nimmst du einen bestimmten Charakter unter die Lupe. Du beschreibst ihn, seine Beziehung zu anderen Figuren und wie er sich im Laufe der Geschichte entwickelt.

Hier findest du eine Musterformulierung für den Charakter Guy Montag aus dem Roman Fahrenheit 451 von Ray Bradbury.

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Characterization example — Einleitung

Guy Montag is the main character in Ray Bradbury’s novel Fahrenheit 451 from 1953. He is introduced right at the beginning of the story. His job is being a fireman, but instead of putting out fires, he has to burn books. In his world, books are illegal because they make people think and question their lives. Montag is proud of his work at first, but he slowly begins to change. Some encounters cause him to start question his current life.

Characterization example — Hauptteil

Montag is described as being around thirty years old. He has black hair, black brows and a fiercy face. His uniform is an important part of his appearance. It includes a helmet with the number 451, a fireproof jacket, and a symbol of a salamander, which represents his role as a book burner.

At the beginning of the story, Montag seems happy with his life. He likes the smell of kerosene and enjoys burning books. Thinking about the impact of his work was something Montag never really does. He doesn’t question the rules of his hedonistic and anti-intellectual society. The fireman lives with his wife, Mildred, who spends all her time watching TV or listening to her seashell radio. They barely talk, which makes their relationship feel empty. Montag doesn’t realize this right away, but he starts to feel like something is missing in his life.

His change begins when he meets Clarisse McClellan, a 17-year-old girl who is different from everyone else. She likes to think, ask questions, and notice the world around her. Clarisse asks Montag, “Are you happy?” (p. 17). This simple question makes him wonder if he really is. After meeting her, Montag starts to feel uncomfortable with his job and his life.

Things get worse when Montag sees a woman choose to die with her books rather than live without them. This moment shocks him and makes him wonder what is so important about books. He secretly starts reading some of the books he has hidden at home.

Montag’s growing disillusionment with his society leads him to rebel against the oppressive regime. He forms a secret alliance with Faber, a former professor who shares his passion for books and knowledge. Together, they devise a plan to undermine the firemen’s authority by planting books in their homes. Montag’s rebellion reaches its peak when he turns against his fire chief, Captain Beatty, and burns him alive after Beatty taunts him with his newfound knowledge.

After fleeing the city, Montag finds refuge with a group of intellectuals led by Granger. These people have committed themselves to preserving knowledge by memorizing books. Montag’s journey ends in his realization that knowledge and human connection are essential for a meaningful and happy life. He learns that the destruction of books is not just about burning paper but about erasing ideas and creativity. Montag’s redemption comes through his commitment to rebuilding a society that values knowledge, empathy, and freedom of thought.

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Characterization example — Schluss

In summary, Guy Montag is a complex character who changes a lot throughout Fahrenheit 451. He starts as a loyal fireman but becomes someone who questions his society and fights for what he believes in. His journey shows how important it is to think for yourself and stand up for truth and knowledge. His story teaches us to value books, ideas, and the freedom to learn.

Formulierungshilfen für eine characterization

Zum Schluss findest du hier noch einige hilfreiche Formulierungen für deine eigene englische Charakterisierung.

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Einleitung (introduction)

  • [Name der Figur] is a [Rolle oder Beschreibung] in the novel/play/story [Titel] by [Autor].
  • The character plays a central/secondary/minor role in the story.
  • He/She first appears in the [Teil/Abschnitt] of the story.
  • [Name] is portrayed as [Adjektiv] throughout the story.
  • The character is [Alter] years old and works as a [Beruf].

Hauptteil (main part)

Aussehen (appearance)

  • The character is described as [Adjektiv(e)].
  • His/Her physical traits include [Merkmale].
  • There is little/much detail about his/her appearance, but it is mentioned that…

Eigenschaften (characteristics)

  • [Name] is shown to be [Adjektiv(e)] (e.g., brave, selfish, curious).
  • He/She tends to [Verb] (e.g., act impulsively, question authority).
  • The author portrays him/her as [Eigenschaft], which is evident in [Verhaltensweise oder Situation].

Beziehungen (relationships)

  • [Name] has a complex relationship with [andere Figur].
  • His/Her interaction with [Figur] reveals [Teil der Persönlichkeit].
  • [Name] is influenced by [anderer Charakter oder Ereignis] to [Tat oder Veränderung].

Charakterentwicklung (character development)

  • Over the course of the story, [Name] undergoes significant development/change.
  • At the beginning of the story, he/she is [alte Eigenschaft], but by the end, he/she becomes [neue Eigenschaft].
  • This change is triggered by [Ereignis/Interaktion].
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Schluss (conclusion)

  • In summary, [Name] is a [Adjektiv] character whose journey highlights [Thema/Botschaft].
  • The characterization of [Name] contributes significantly to the overall story by [Aktion oder Wirkung].
  • Through [Name], the author explores themes of [Thema (z.B. Identität, Moral, Freiheit)].

Characterization example — häufigste Fragen

  • Wie ist eine Charakterisierung auf Englisch aufgebaut?

    Eine Charakterisierung auf Englisch (characterization) umfasst:

    1. Introduction: Name, Rolle, Beziehung zu anderen.
    2. Physical Description: Aussehen, Kleidung.
    3. Personality Traits: Charaktereigenschaften, Verhalten.
    4. Background: Herkunft, soziale Schicht.
    5. Development: Veränderungen, Motivationen.
    6. Conclusion: Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten Eigenschaften.
  • What is an example of a characterization?
    Characterization is how an author reveals a character’s traits, like in the direct characterization: „Emma is a generous person.“ Here, the author explicitly describes the character. It shows what he or she likes, dislikes, what they look like and more. The indirect characterization shows traits through actions and dialogue.
Quiz zum Thema Charakterisierung Englisch
5 Fragen beantworten

Cartoon analysis example

Neben Charakteren kannst du im Englischen auch Cartoons analysieren. Wie genau das geht und wie ein Beispiel dafür aussieht, erfährst du hier!

Zum Video: Cartoon analysis example
Zum Video: Cartoon analysis example

Weitere Inhalte: Textarten Englisch

Analyse fiktionaler Texte

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